『Moved by touch™』Inc.
In association with
Google Nose beta™
Current version: Alpha
Created with Es explorer 1.6
Created on HTC explorer Pico a310e
It's a common experience for newbies , when a new kernel is released by developers for a particular Rom and we want it for our Rom,but just can't wait for someone to change the ramdisk. For those, this is a noob friendly guide to change your ramdisk. And also, to make a universal zip for new kernel, so that no separate kernel zips for cm9,10,aokp exist.
New kernel boot.img and modules
Zip below
Android 2.3+ rooted
cwm 5+/twrp any other recovery with dump_image binary
Any Android smartphone
No PC/Linux needed
No different zips needed for different roms ~universal zip[One kernel-one zip project]
trevd,rd for helping me along the way and for arm executable binaries .
So, a huge thanks to him.
Xda university
Short version:
Just add the new boot image and modules to generic and Flash on any Rom
Long version:
1.Download the generic kernel below
2. Open it with Es explorer 1.6 app
3. Select all and extract it into generic kernel folder
4. Download your favorite
5. Unzip your favorite into kernel folder
6. Copy boot.img from kernel folder to generic kernel folder
7. Copy modules present in /system/lib/modules in kernel folder and put it in /system/lib/modules in generic kernel folder
8. Now zip up your generic kernel folder and Flash
9. Voila
10. New kernel on any Rom.
11. So, is that easy /what?
Bugs and conditions
Even though this project is in alpha stage, if your Rom doesn't boot, blame the new kernel and your script first.
1. This is a simple method to change ramdisk and it doesn't work ,if you need anything more than that.
The binaries can also be used to open ramdisk and probably kernel as well using terminal emulator on your phone. If you face something unable to do on phone, go here for full PC workout
2. Essentially sense4 kernels cannot be used with this project to make it cm kernels,since it almost always need more work than just ramdisk changing
3. You need a working kernel present in boot partition. Wiping your boot and flashing will not work. It needs ramdisk from your phone and only updates the kernel part.
4. Does it work on other phones?
Yes. It bases itself on update script used. So, change update binary to suit your device
Try to change kernel address in the command for mkimg binary to make it work on other phones.
4.2 Does this mean that I can Flash kernel from any other phone to my Pico?
No. You can't. This only means you can Flash any other kernel made for other roms and your Pico to your Rom and Pico only.
4.3 Not tested fully guys.
Tired of 15 to 20 flashings to make it work. Test and try. I only tested aokp jb bhargz16`s kernel #1 on cm10b6 with twrp.
Reuse it,and try not to edit ui print and sleep parts
5. If it doesn't work, copy recovery log to SDcard and post here.
Original binaries from here
(1.not the same script here~that is used to update ramdisk. This is used to update kernel and modified usage of binary to suit Pico
2. Without the binaries there, it would have been impossible. Don't forget to thank him. )
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