☠ [APK][Tweaks & Mods] █ PIMP MY ROM █ BETA v1.0 {Any Device // Any Rom} ☠
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Make sure to always have a nandroid backup before applying tweaks
Multitasking Section
¤ OOM groupings :
Android, like any other Linux system, has a built-in task killer, called the LowMemoryKiller (a.k.a LMK).The LMK analyses the RAM usage of all applications in real-time, and when the system has too many apps open, or too much RAM consumption, the LMK will start killing apps to free-up some memory. To determine which app to kill first, the LowMemoryKiller distinguishes 10 categories of apps, which are called the Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Priorities. As the name implies, the LMK will create a kind of ordered list based on the determined priority of the apps. Those categories are as follow :
For each of these categories, Pimp my Rom will modify the memory threshold for LMK to start killing processes and adjust the priority of the categories to match three preset levels of multitasking :
The OOM settings in PmR also takes care of the ADJ, but I might add a separate 3 levels radiogroup for ADJ too
¤ Minfree Values :
The LowMemoryKiller isn't only about OOM groupings, the Minfree values are very important as well : The Minfree module of the Low Memory Killer is here to set the minimum amount of free RAM that should always be available. If the free RAM level goes below the Minfree value, the the LMK starts killing apps (based on the OOM priorities, remember ? In other terms, if the LMK is the gun for killing apps, then the Minfree module is the trigger ^^ Again, PmR will allow you to choose between 3 preset levels (for the purpose of clarity for the user, the levels are inverted from the actual values. i.e : High Level in the app wil set a low minfree value, allowing for more multitasking) :
¤ zRam (Zero Capacitor Ram) :
Taken from Wikipedia : zRam is an experimental (staging) module of the Linux kernel. It was previously called "compcache". zRam increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM in which paging takes place until it is necessary to use the swap space on the hard disk drive. Since using RAM is faster than using disks, zRam allows Linux to make more use of RAM when swapping/paging is required, especially on older computers with less RAM installed. To make it simple, zRam allows to virtually increase the amount of RAM your device has by using the Swap spaces in your device memory. This is mostly profitable for low-end devices that come with few ram (512mb generally). PmR offers 2 levels :
zRam settings requires a kernel that includes this module. I hope these little explanations will help you understand how to use those settings, and help you find the right combination for your device and use |
Developer's Guide on Implementing PmR in your Roms
1) Implementing PmR with a custom preset & playstore OTA updates working
- Flash your Rom & apply the tweaks and options you want to be included in your preset
- Create a /data folder at the root of your Rom's zip package, and in this folder create a /app folder (so you now have a /data/app path
- Download this version of the PmR apk and place it in the freshly created /data/app folder in your Rom's zip
(this is the playstore-signed version, which will allow your users to receive OTA updates as if they installed it from the playstore) - Grab the following files from your device and place them at the corresponding locations in your Rom's zip package :
(If some of those files are missing on your device, don't worry, this simply means they are not needed in your preset)
Code:- /system/etc/init.d/99Pimp_my_Rom - /system/etc/init.d/98Entropy - /system/etc/init.d/S90zipalign - /system/etc/init.d/04dual_bootanim - /system/etc/install-recovery.sh - /system/etc/hosts - /system/bin/entropy-gen - /system/xbin/rngd - /system/xbin/openvpn
- Create the following path of folders in your Rom's zip : /data/data/com.androguide.pimp.my.rom/shared_prefs/
- On your device, navigate to /data/data/com.androguide.pimp.my.rom/shared_prefs and copy all the content of this folder to your Rom's zip freshly created /data/data/com.androguide.pimp.my.rom/shared_prefs/ folder
- Open your Rom zip's /system/build.prop in a text editor
- Now open your device's /system/build.prop in a text editor, and copy everything from the first occurence of "### Pimp my Rom : xxx" to the end of the file, then paste it at the end of your Rom's build.prop (Do not forget to save the modifications)
Ok, now we have added all the required assets for Pimp my Rom and your custom preset, let's pass-on to the updater-script modifications in order to install those assets properly and set the right permissions to them.
- In your Rom's zip package, navigate to /META-INF/com/google/android and open updater-script in a text editor
- Copy the following lines near the end of the file, but before "unmount("/system");" :
Code:ui_print("Installing Pimp my Rom with a custom preset..."); package_extract_dir("data", "/data"); set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0755, "/system/etc/init.d"); set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0771, 0660, "/data/data/com.androguide.pimp.my.rom/shared_prefs"); set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/data/app/com.androguide.pimp.my.rom-1.apk"); set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/system/etc/hosts"); set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/etc/install-recovery.sh"); <<< Do NOT include this line if you didn't activate init.d through PmR in your preset set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/bin/entropy-gen"); <<< Do NOT include this line if you didn't use the Entropy Generator in your preset set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/xbin/rngd"); <<< Do NOT include this line if you didn't use the Entropy Generator in your preset set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/xbin/openvpn"); <<< Do NOT include this line if you didn't activate OpenVPN support in your preset ui_print("Done installing Pimp my Rom - by Androguide.fr@xda");
2) Adding a Pimp my Rom entry to your Rom's Settings.apk - Coming Soon
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